Investment Philosophy
There are many investment vehicles and techniques that an investor can choose from. We at Journey Financial Planning, with the benefit of experience and education, understand and know how to use these techniques in a way that can help you reach your individual financial goals. We listen to your desires, your goals and your concerns and make tailored recommendations to address them.
Many investments perform well in certain environments, but environments do change. After many years of helping people achieve their financial goals, it has become evident to us that there is no perfect financial investment. However, using proper techniques, there are sound strategies that can help you reach your goals.
Examples of investments
1. Safety of Principal (low cost options)
- Certificate of Deposit (CD)
- Money Market
- Savings Account
- Individual Bonds
- Fixed Annuities
- Index Annuities
- Structured Variable Annuities
2. Moderate Risk of Principal
- Structured Variable Annuities
- Market Neutral Funds
- Risk Managed Separate Accounts
- Principle Guaranteed Variable Annuities
3. Growth
- Diversified Funds
- Diversified ETF'S
- Closed end funds
- Variable Annuities
- Index Funds
- Index ETF's
- Separate Managed Accounts
- Wealth Management Programs
- Balanced Portfolio
- Alternative Investment Portfolios
4. Aggressive growth
- Sector* Funds
- Sector* ETF's
- Futures
- Selling Short
- Individual Stocks
- Individual Bonds
- Real-estate Investment Trust(REIT)
- Oil and Gas programs
- Short Fund
- Short ETF's
*Gold, Silver, Currencies, Commodities, Natural Gas, Biotech, Banks, and Individual Countries
5. Tax Advantaged
- IRA's
- Simple IRA
- Roth IRA
- 401(k)
- 403(b)
- 457
- Pension Plans
- Defined Benefit Plans
- Tax exempt Bonds
- Tax exempt ETF's
- Tax deferred annuities
- Tax managed funds
- Oil & gas programs
- Master limited partnerships
- Life insurance
- 529 education funds
- Uniform Transfer to Minors Accounts (UTMA)
- Trust
6. Income
- CD's
- Bonds
- Bond Funds
- Bond ETF's
- Closed end Funds
- Unit investment Trust
- Master Limited Partnerships
- Oil & Gas programs
- Real-estate Investment Trust (REIT)
- Income Producing Separate Accounts
- Income Producing Managed Accounts
- Fixed annuities
- Index Annuities w/Income Guarantees
- Variable Annuities W/Income Guarantees
- Dividend Paying Stocks
- Utility Funds
- Utility ETF's
- Pension plans
- Social Security
- Annuitization
- Period Specific Depleting Fund
- Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC)